



About Coach

My CrossFit journey began in 2011 when my husband helped our good friend open Sasquatch CrossFit in Redmond. I quickly got hooked and never looked back. My first WOD was 6 weeks after the birth of our first child and I remember loving the feeling of pushing myself beyond what I thought was possible. (I also loved that it got me in the best shape of my life, post baby) I’ve stayed loyal to CrossFit through three pregnancies, a disc injury in my lower back and separated abdominal muscles (thanks kids!). I’m passionate about maintaining physical fitness through any stage of my life. Before finding CrossFit, I did group fitness classes and worked as a personal trainer. My husband and I have been married for almost 14 years and we have three beautiful children. I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for the past 10 years, now that all my babies are in school, it seemed like a good time to get my level 1 and get back to coaching!

When I’m not in the gym you’ll find me singing, leading worship at our church, volunteering at my kids school and driving them around to all the sports and activities!

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion