



CF L1, CrossFit Gymnastics

About Coach

My dad introduced me to CrossFit when I was 12 and I've been hooked ever since. After a few years of attending classes off and on casually, I began to take it a bit more seriously and started improving a lot. Around age 16 I became interested in coaching for Agogi CrossFit, 4 years later I've taken the CrossFit L1, Olympic Weightlifting 1 & 2, and attended CrossFit's Gymnastics seminars.

I love seeing members achieve new PR's or new skills they hadn't previously been able to accomplish and it's even more rewarding when I'm the coach that was able to help them get there!

In my free time I play tons of video games, go backpacking through the mountains, go on road trips, and overall love to experience the world.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion