




About Coach

I went through 8 week transformation in 2014 at Chris Meredith's fitness gym in Redmond where I went from 178lbs to 162 lbs. This was a big transformation in my life that brought me great confidence in feeling and looking good. During one of the workouts I  heard someone say, "it's not like insane Crossfit.” I had to experience that "insane" workout, so I joined Crossfit Bothell in 2015 . I found an incredible community and people of my kind who spoke only one language, "Crossfit". My initial goals in joining Crossfit was to look good naked, feel strong and have more energy to play with my kid. It's amazing how fitness and a supportive community can have such a profound impact on both your body and mind. Through this incredible journey of  transformation and growth I decided to step up to become a Coach. I wanted to give back to these amazing individuals and community by helping them achieve their fitness, health and performance goals. Crossfit has shown me the way to mountain summits while leading a healthy life. I find immense satisfaction in being a source of inspiration and motivation to the community. As a coach I always strive to push for safer...stronger...smarter athletes. In 2023, Crossfit Bothell merged with Crossfit Chateau which was another exciting chapter in my fitness journey. This allowed me to reach and impact an even larger community and continue to make a positive difference in people's lives!

In my free time you'll see me Parenting, Mountaineering & climbing, stage work and art, cooking, traveling to check out new food and cuisines and most of all enjoying fun company with amazing people.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion