




About Coach

I came across CrossFit in late 2010 and with that, I found an amazing community here at the gym that I have enjoyed being part of ever since.  

In 2010 I kept seeing posts for CrossFit and then one morning bright and early, I randomly showed up to the gym unannounced. After that first class, I felt that passion again for working out and pushing my limits, some days mentally and physically. That original gym, over the years, has grown into CrossFit Chateau, an amazing community full of energetic and driven athletes.  

I became a coach because I am passionate about helping others work to their fitness goals and helping them learn how to lift safely. It is so awesome helping someone with their form and how making one small single adjustment can help make everything easier and their reactions when they can feel everything come together is priceless. I also enjoy coaching because I get to be part of each person’s journey, whether it is a word of encouragement or making a profound adjustment to their movement.  Seeing everyone continue to come in, becoming fitter, stronger and being healthier is so inspirational to me. It reminds me that I am here for them and I get to help with their progress.

When I am not at the gym, I can usually be found doing work around the house or spending time with family and friends.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion