
Young Inspiration

Changing Habbits


Alex and I would like to acknowledge a very special person “our nephew” who we feel is well deserving of being in the spotlight amongst our community. As many of our afternoon members may have noticed, over the last year or so we have had numerous teenagers joining our classes after school.. They bring energy like no other and have been so dedicated to making fitness a priority in their lives. One of these teens is our nephew Carson Wille. The summer of 2022 my brother (Carson's Dad) asked me if Crossfit would be a good idea for Carson. He had been struggling in some ways like most teen boys finding his place, being predominantly sedentary playing the usual video games and then of course eating “teenage” food like, cheetos, pizza or anything easy to grab. Like any parent it can be a very sensitive subject talking to your kids about their unhealthy habits because oftentimes those conversations just push them to continue and or feel bad about themselves and their body image. So rather than harping on all the bad things we just encouraged 2-3 days of Crossfit classes.

At first Carson was sometimes frustrated because he wanted to lift more with the other boys that had been here longer but he didn’t allow that to stop him. In fact all the boys clapped and acknowledged Carson for his progression each day. Carson felt safe to be himself, to try new things that were difficult for him, like jump roping! Over the course of a few months Carson's whole demeanor changed, aside from dropping 20 lbs and becoming stronger he became more confident, he smiled so much more, laughed things off if he did a movement wrong and was overall so much happier. The incredible thing about this whole story is how on Carsons own he became more aware of the foods he was eating. He realized how much better he felt when he didn’t choose the “Easy Foods,” He downloaded on his own a food tracker, started learning about macros and counting calories in and calories out. He started understanding more about burning fat and carbs. We would receive texts from him asking us about protein intake, asking smart questions about eating more of a deficit vs not or if he should since he was actually feeling good and had energy. With his new knowledge he started teaching his family how to track their foods as well. So what can you find Carson eating these days? Chicken and Broccoli is his new favorite!

Carson, you are so very special to Alex and I and the rest of our community. It has been so rewarding watching you transform, changing your habits to new ones that are life changing, making fitness a priority, educating yourself and being more aware of what you are fueling your body with. These tools you have gained will forever help you and I am so grateful you trusted us with your fitness goals. You should be so very proud of yourself Carson and the phenomenal example you have shown to your family and friends. Thank you for being such a huge part of Chateau and a great example to others!

Starting an exercise routine is MOTIVATION in itself!

Food is for FUEL and sometimes for FUN!