
For many years, my fitness routine involved visits to gyms such as LA Fitness and 24 Hour Fitness. I spent most of the time alternating between the elliptical machine, treadmill, and bike. During Covid, my husband and I set up a home gym in our garage. We added a rowing machine and some free weights. This became our primary workout space since 2020. Despite my long-term commitment to working out, the results were underwhelming. It felt like I was merely burning 100 calories per hour without making significant progress. I felt like all those hours spent exercising were a waste of time. By June of last year, I had gained 20 pounds, likely due to the stress of the pandemic, unhealthy eating habits, and the general pressures of life. I could no longer fit into my old clothes, and I became increasingly reluctant to socialize.

One day, my husband suggested that we start a one-year fitness plan to see where it could take us (I think he could tell my overall status was not great) Then, last September, a conversation with my neighbor Patricia was a trigger that changed everything. I asked her how she managed to stay in such great shape, and she introduced me to CrossFit. I went home and searched the nearby CrossFit gyms on Google Maps. That’s how I found here.

Alex introduced me to the fundamental movements in CrossFit. Unfortunately, I remembered nothing after the class… Even after a couple of months, I struggled to track my scores properly. However, I soon discovered the power of “Keep showing up." This became my guiding principle. I come here 5 times a week. Over the months, I began to notice subtle but significant changes - I can do some double under; I can climb up the rope. As of today, the weights are still not that heavy; I’m still working on pull ups, toes to bars, lots of movements, but I can feel the changes already. I become stronger, physically and mentally. Each achievement, no matter how small, feels like a victory over my past limitations and fears.  

CrossFit has also sparked an enthusiasm for other physical activities, as well as being friends with the things you eat. Hot yoga, swimming, and I’m planning to take up skiing next—maybe even diving in the future. The confidence I’ve gained from CrossFit reassures me that my body is capable of so much more than I ever imagined.