Gena Schirer


Strong and Toned Momma!


Woodinville CrossFit Chateau - Woodinville, WA - Gym - CrossFit Gym. Gym near me. Woodinville CrossFit. CrossFit Woodinville.

Alex and I would like to take a moment to appreciate and acknowledge Gena Schirer. Gena joined us last May and has been coming in consistently ever since. She has been so positive, humble and fun to have in our class. Gena always comes in smiling, happy and eager to learn! We love your upbeat energy Gena and are stoked to see you progress every week!

Woodinville CrossFit Chateau - Woodinville, WA - Gym - CrossFit Gym. Gym near me. Woodinville CrossFit. CrossFit Woodinville.

Gena Schirer’s Testimony..

I have always worked out but in a much different format than CrossFit. I was a fairly religious member of Baseline and Orange Theory and did enjoy them at the time.

I had two babies while doing those workouts up until the night before I gave birth both times. Although they were fine, I never really saw a change in my body and never felt like I was apart of a community like I do now. I would do my workout and go home, rarely getting to know anyone and it was not a lot of heavy lifting, mostly a lot of cardio. Even though I was thin, I really was not very strong. Since  doing CrossFit 10 months ago, I have noticed huge changes in my strength and muscle tone!

Woodinville CrossFit Chateau - Woodinville, WA - Gym - CrossFit Gym. Gym near me. Woodinville CrossFit. CrossFit Woodinville.

My husband, Alex started at CrossFit Chateau about a year before I did and always tried to get me to join, but I was initially resistant. I was worried I would get too  “bulky” and that CrossFit was too “cult like”. I feel like the

opposite has been true. I have seen amazing growth in less than a year at CrossFit Chateau. I still have a long way to go but there are so many moves I can do now that I never thought would be possible and I’m not bulky at all, but I do have some muscles! There are two aspects that are the most amazing to me, though, outside of changes in my strength. First, what I notice most, is that I have more energy and strength when I play with my kids. Lifting them and throwing them and keeping up with them is much easier now. This has changed how our family behaves because I can engage with them in ways I couldn’t before.

Woodinville CrossFit Chateau - Woodinville, WA - Gym - CrossFit Gym. Gym near me. Woodinville CrossFit. CrossFit Woodinville.

Second, is the friends I have made. CrossFit isn’t a cult, it’s a group of really welcoming people who encourage you to grow. I have met so many great people and that makes working out fun, not a chore. As I write this from vacation, I actually miss the gym, the coaches and my friends there.

Woodinville CrossFit Chateau - Woodinville, WA - Gym - CrossFit Gym. Gym near me. Woodinville CrossFit. CrossFit Woodinville.

I am very grateful for the community I have at CrossFit Chateau. It’s a network of people that can rely on each other and support each other. I’m also grateful I can do a kipping pull up now :)

Gena Schirer