


Alex and I wanted to spotlight this month Kathy and Jim Wille! (my mom and dad) Aside from your undeniable support over the last 14 years since we came across CrossFit you both are such a huge inspiration to our community! We find ourselves sharing your story almost daily when we talk to potential members considering CrossFit, in fact I did just that this morning when someone came in during the 9:30 to ask about our gym. Please take a moment to read their stories, it's pretty incredible how much fitness in general has kept them feeling young, healthy and happy. Love you mom and dad


Kathy’s CrossFit Testimony

I used to workout at the YMCA. Keri and I would go at 5:00 am for several years. I was 46 years old. I didn’t feel like my body was changing. I felt like a hamster running in an exercise wheel going nowhere. I would go from one machine to another. My heart rate didn’t feel like it was maxing to its highest potential.

In 2011 Keri heard about Crossfit. She asked me to come with her. I did and I never worked out as hard in my life. It was invigorating. I could feel a change in my body and health. I kept going to Crossfit, but as I aged my knees were becoming bone on bone. In order to keep working out, I decided to have knee replacements. I wanted to still be active as I grew older. So, in 2020 I had my left knee done and 2022 my right knee done. In between those surgeries I had a toe surgery from a fall during covid.

I’m pain free now and I’m so excited to get to do more Crossfit moves that I wasn’t able to do before my surgeries.

I’ll be 73 in May. I’ve been working out 3 to 4 days a week. I’ve lost weight by eating clean. Yes, I have to modify a lot for my age but I’m still moving and my body is                                                                                      getting the muscles back.

Keri has always been an inspiration and encouragement to me. She is my health “Guru”. She helps me with my eating and exercising. She sets up my WOD modifying for me.

Alex is an inspiration to me too. He is always encouraging me and wants the very best for me.

I owe my life change to Crossfit and especially to Crossfit Chateau. It’s not just the WOD’S or strengthening, it’s the members too. It’s like a family that looks out for each other. They really care about you.

Thanks Keri and Alex for helping me with my life journey. Hopefully I’ll still be working out with you all when I’m “90”.


Jim's CrossFit Testimony

Hi. I am Jim Wille, Keri Konicke’s father. I’ve always been pretty fit and started working out with weights when I was 12 and swam competitively in High School and College. Then came marriage at 22 a fulltime job and Kids at 25. I had very little time to work out, so I gained weight and did not work out much if any for probably 25 years, until the kids were grown and I was in my 50’s. Then it was lifting weights, jogging and a little swimming. I kept getting stronger and when I was about 55, I did my all-time best bench press (275) and on my 59th birthday, I was still able to do 8 bench press reps with a 100 lb dumb bell in each hand. Then, 2 months later, came rotator cuff surgery and I was told I could never again do bench press and many other exercises such as pull ups, etc. I was bummed.

But at age 61 in 2011, we discovered CrossFit with Keri, and began doing CrossFit several times a week. That was 13 years ago. Even though I have had a few set-backs the last 3 years including Covid, foot, hip & eye surgery, a heart issue (vessel blockage) and a hernia repaired….Kathy and I are still able to do CrossFit 3 – 4 times a week! One nice thing about CrossFit is that you can modify all the Wods and workout / movements if needed. So even though my shoulder will never be 100% and I have a new hip….I can still do pull ups (with bands), knee ups using the arm straps, box step ups instead of box jumps, and the Echo bike or rower instead of running.

Thanks to Keri and Alex for all their support and for making CrossFit Chateau such an amazing gym! Even though we know it will be a challenge for us to keep up and complete the Wods, we always look forward to our workouts at the gym and the great comradery and friendships we have made at CrossFit Chateau!!

So, if you see an old guy (maybe the oldest member at the gym?) with a back brace on doing bench press (I can do that again now!!) or my version of the Wod to the side…. pop over and say “hi” or encourage me to get in a few more reps!!

PS. I still have a goal to hit 225 lbs on the bench press before I turn 75 in October.