Lindsay Ray Nelson


Raw and Real!


We want to take a moment to appreciate and acknowledge Lindsay Nelson. She is someone who has made each of you who know her, crack up and laugh. If you don’t know Lindsay she is one of a kind, raw and real, sweet and fun, strong and badass! Lindsay gives her everything when it comes to training. Lindsay has a good amount of Oly under her belt and a love for CrossFit as well. When Lindsay was strictly Oly lifting we would see her consistently lifting 5+ days a week, 2+ hrs a day, late at night after work. Within the last few months Lindsay took a change of pace and started doing our CrossFit classes only. She has noticed more gains since doing so. Lindsay’s recent Pr’s…

Strict Press +1lb, 96lbs

Deadlift +5lb, 310

CrossFit Chateau - Woodinville, WA. Gym near Woodinville. Woodinville CrossFit. CrossFit Woodinville
Woodinville CrossFit Chateau - Woodinville, WA - Gym - CrossFit Gym. Gym near me. Woodinville CrossFit. CrossFit Woodinville.

Front Squat +2lb, 217

OHS +31lb, 176

Bench Press +25lb, 170

Murph -5min, 66:22

Isabel -2.5min, 4:19

We admire you Lindsay for the countless hours, determination and persistence that you’ve encompassed.

Lindsay Nelson’s Testimony..

I started CrossFit 7 years ago when I was in a really unhealthy stage of my life mentally and physically.  I heard about it one time and signed up as a full member without even trying a class or visiting the gym first.  I come from a background of ballet and figure skating so the structure,  programming and technique components of CrossFit were perfect for me.  My confidence was so shot that I definitely didn't believe I was capable of ever being an "athlete" again and I was somewhat of a lazy CrossFitter.  I fell in love with Olympic Lifting and began going to those classes regularly, but still was too mentally weak to realize I was capable of more and to push myself.  

Woodinville CrossFit Chateau - Woodinville, WA - Gym - CrossFit Gym. Gym near me. Woodinville CrossFit. CrossFit Woodinville.
Woodinville CrossFit Chateau - Woodinville, WA - Gym - CrossFit Gym. Gym near me. Woodinville CrossFit. CrossFit Woodinville.

That all changed about 4 years ago when I found out I had to have surgery on my left knee.  I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me.  The surgery was a major one and I'd be out for a long time.  I gained a ton of weight and whatever small amount of confidence I had gained was completely gone.  Luckily, I found out I had the strongest group of people around me that helped take that on for me and get me through it.  Julie made a special modified WOD for me every single day, wrote it on the board with the normal WOD and other  people started joining in on my work out as well to support me.  It ended up being one of the best summers of my life because of that crew of people.  That's when she sold WestPac to Felix and my journey at Chateau began.  I was just starting to be able to freely do WOD's and lift again and with a renewed mental game I was on it and determined to get better.  I was doing the Oly focus as well as CrossFit to keep up on my Metcon.  At the beginning of this year there was some severe burnout going on with life and the grind of the Oly programming and Jeremy suggested we go back to doing just CrossFit again.  I was terrified.  I just knew I would lose all my gains.  But I haven't.  I'm loving the strength cycles and overall I am definitely the best I've ever been and I am enjoying CrossFit more now than I ever have.  I appreciate Chateau and the coaches as well as the awesome community we have for the push every day! I extra appreciate Jeremy who consistently encourages me and believes in me more than I ever could.  

Lindsay Nelson