


Alex and I want to take a moment to recognize a committed, humble and inspiring member for our spotlight this month. Paula Watson is a force to be reckoned with. She has shown us what it means to have true inner passion and drive to push herself past the typical points of giving up. There have been times when I've encouraged her to take an "easier route." It's part of our job as a coach to assess and notice when a member is either having a harder time or perhaps not enjoying themselves and when we do, we try and offer different alternatives and modifications. What is so inspiring to me about Paula is she is ok working through a challenging movement, she is ok doing what is harder because it's important to her to conquer that challenge and improve. We are so proud of you Paula and have loved having you here at Chateau!

Paula's Testimony;

My CrossFit journey began in 2014 when I  immediately grew attached to the sport and the people that do it. The spirit of the community and patriotism of WODS like “The Murph” among others, resonated with me coming from a military family. There was something so powerful and spiritual for me about honoring a fallen soldier as I conquered each lift and movement at CrossFit, that I dedicated myself to it for 5 years. After experiencing a flurry of injuries and developing chronic arthritis, I told myself I couldn’t do CrossFit anymore and sadly took a break from it for 4 years. During the spring of 2023 I began physical therapy and bonded with a PT that taught me the value of breaking down mental barriers to return to the life that I missed at CrossFit which led me to meeting up with Alex and Keri. I knew from my first meeting with them that CrossFit Chateau had a special community and motivational force that would stay with me for years to come. My journey is hard as I continue to fight chronic pain from arthritis with a goal to be the strongest and most spiritual version of myself in 2024. I know I can achieve my goals with amazing coaches like Alex, Keri, Austin, Logan, Heather H & W, Peter, and Raj. Thank you for welcoming me to your CrossFit family. Its an honor to be a part of something so special.