Shelly Navarre


Always Smiling

Whole Hearted Human


The team at CrossFit Chateau wanted to take a moment and acknowledge someone who we feel is something beyond special in our gym…. Shelly Navarre! We wanted to shine the spotlight one this amazing human and all the hard work and determination she brings to our gym! Shelly is a great example of someone who shows up to the gym to give it her all and not care how she is compared to others in the gym. Thank you Shelly for showing everyone who meets you that you don’t have to lift the heaviest or be the best athlete, you just need to be you and give it 100% each time. Your personality and smile on your face every time you walk into the gym sure brightens the gym.

Shelly Navarre Personal Testimony:

Here is a synopsis of how I, a non athlete, ended up at CrossFit.  It's been a journey....  

Journey to CrossFit Chateau

Prior to joining CrossFit Chateau I had never been a member of a gym.  

I have some neighbors who belonged to a Woodinville gym (not CrossFit) and they talked about going to a fun ‘bootcamp’ class where they moved from machine to machine in a training circuit.  Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for me) that gym closed down.

I knew I wanted to improve my upper body strength to be a more effective volunteer with the Washington State Animal Response Team.  WASART is one of the only organizations in western WA equipped to help rescue large animals who are down and need a lift to their feet, like horses and cows.   So, consulting with Google I found a ‘bootcamp’ class at a place called CrossFit Chateau.  I sent an email and got a friendly reply to come down for a class.  I took a leap of faith and showed up.  

I don’t really remember much about the first class except some kind people who showed me how to use a rower and what a barbell was.  I’m not athletic in any way but I remember thinking ‘that was kind of fun’.  Until the next day when I couldn’t believe how sore my muscles were, but perhaps in a good way.   After a few days (okay, let’s be honest, I was probably hobbling around for 5 days) of recovery I went back for the designated bootcamp class where I was given a lot of guidance in the various movements.  It was a fun experience from the beginning in bootcamp class as we (mostly gals) all would simultaneously groan when the day's workout was presented.

Because I have a stubborn streak, I stuck with bootcamp and just kept plugging away on very tiny goals.  Eventually bootcamp morphed into participation in regular class programming where I made incremental progress in my strength.

I spent two years doing faux jump rope and eventually reached a point where I could do single unders!  I spent two years back squatting onto a box and eventually reached a point where I can back squat, almost past vertical!  Along the way I have made many new friends and sometimes at the end of a WOD, I am the one being cheered on to finish.    

Will I ever do a pull up?  Doubtful.  Will I ever do a rope climb?  Not unless I am on a fully assisted belay.  Is a handstand pushup in my future?  Not likely.  But, can I improve my bench press?  You betcha!  Can I step up on a box over and over again?  Yes, at a certain height!   Can I feel a sense of accomplishment for pushing myself just that little bit harder.  For sure!

There are many many very fit athletes at CrossFit Chateau and they have my complete admiration of their abilities to wall walk, muscle up and double under.  But at CrossFit Chateau I am only competing against myself and gravity.

I suspect CrossFit Chateau isn’t like other ‘gym’ experiences.  There is an entire ethos at Chateau of kindness, encouragement and support from the top at the ownership level and then down to the coaches and participants.   For anyone who thinks they can’t do ‘CrossFit’ I am a prime example that the exact opposite is true.